Sunday, April 01, 2007

Dogs' Perspective

The photo below was taken this morning of a friend's backyard equipment. It is the seesaw and dogwalk side by side taken from the angle of the dog's eye level as it comes out of a tunnel. Now my friend wisely elected to have her dogwalk and seesaw contact areas painted in different colours (the dogwalk has a blue contact area and the seesaw has a yellow contact area). However I have altered this photo so that it looks like what dogs see in trials where both the dogwalk and the seesaw are painted in identical colours. If you took away all the background info you have (seesaw legs don't usually protrude to the side on our trialling seesaws, you can see the dark underside of the dogwalk down ramp etc) as these are details that dogs would not see due to the fact that they are (or should be!) focusing on the up plank; and just tried to really picture it at a dog's view not even going terribly fast; say 2 to 3 meters per second I think you can imagine why some dogs are going up planks thinking they are seesaws when they are dogwalks and vice versa.


Anonymous said...

The picture is a fake. The walk is cut and pasted over the real teeter. Of course they look the same. The teeter has colors at each end. It is very different in appearance to the walk.

Simone said...

Actually you are right!! When I was messing round with the picture (as I indicated in my blog post that I did make the contact area on the seesaw the same colour as the dogwalk which is what some trialling equipment is like here in WA) I forgot to finish it off and make sure that I put the blue contact colour on the other end of the seesaw to match. Thanks for pointing this out! I will fix it and repost it so that it is realistic.

Anonymous said...

OK. Sorry. Looking forward to new post.