Sunday, April 01, 2007

Dogs' Perspective Part 2

Just realised after a comment left on my last post that I didn't finish the photo below, I left the other end of the seesaw contact uncoloured and therefore not a true representation of the seesaw. So here is the photo version 2. Is this picture different enough? Maybe I should have another play with this photo and paint some yellow slats onto the will be interesting if a couple of clubs in WA have a trial of the painted slats solution to see if that works.


Anonymous said...

Cool photo. This would be for a small dog by looks. Camera appears less than 12 inches from ground. Bottom color goes to 12 inches from ground and camera lower than that. Might be easier to see for medium dog with eye 20 inches from ground.

Top color is 36 to 48 inches from ground which is only 16 inches higher than medium dog eye. Should be visible to dog as dog can see hand signal at same height. But dog may focus too low. Should see top color as it mounts teeter however.

Nice work with photoshop :)

Simone said...

It's true actually now that I think about it....I haven't witnessed any of our Large dogs (600s) exhibiting the same type of behaviour as the 500s and below. To be honest I haven't watched as many 600s obviously but anytime I've watched a few fast 600s I have not seen them do the clutch and hold on the up plank of the dw thinking it was a ss, and any flyoffs were not complete ones (ie the plank was coming down the dog just didn't want to wait till it hit the ground as opposed to the flyoffs I've seen on the 500s and smaller where the look of stunned shock on their faces tells me that they had no idea the plank was going to drop...I've even seen it happen to the not particularly confident dogs who are usually taking the dw and ss at a nice steady careful pace...even they speed up when they know it's a dogwalk as opposed to a seesaw and I've seen them caught out on the seesaw...which makes them even less confident on contacts unfortunately)
I would think that the 600s certainly have a better chance at seeing the other colour on the end of the seesaw better than the 500s and below, which then lends itself to the fact that it is a contrasting visual picture that they work off.

Elf said...

My Tika jumps 26"--um, ok, that would be a 600 I guess?--and she has the problem with hesitating on the slatless dogwalk when she can't see it from the side before approaching.

I wonder whether, if she had ONLY slatless contacts all the time, she'd learn to distinguish by some other method.

But (as you said somewhere in one of your posts on this topic) certainly a dog like her, who covers 6 yards per second on a section going over jumps/tunnels, and straight at one of these things doesn't have a lot of time to evaluate whether the top end is darker than the lower end.

-ellen (taj MuttHall)

Anonymous said...

Is it also hard to see slats at great speed or no? Color would be better or markings, yes?

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of the slatless because of the discrimination issue which I most definitely see in venues that don't have slats around here. I thought rubber slats were a really cool idea:

Yoda said...

Hi Simone, I have just discovered your blog and I'm in love with it. Can I put a link to your blog on my blog?


Simone said...

Hi Esteban

For sure! feel free to link to my blog!
