Sunday, December 02, 2007

Evening Trials and Sprint Photos

Last night Southern River held its' last trial for 2007. Raven was pretty much as feral as she was last week, two bars in Masters Jumping, one bar in Open Agility, and then we took a jump from the wrong way on Masters Agility (my fault), she also knocked a bar after that (her fault) and then in Open Jumping I didn't actually get to walk the course and thus ended up on the wrong side of the line of jumps home and she went off course but absolutely jumped every bar clean as you do. Totally my fault once again!
Cypher - well to be honest I wasn't expecting much from lughead last night. Spryte's at Day 14 of her season and he does seem to be somewhat distracted by her - he has alot of nervous energy that keeps him checking in on me or Tim to see if we're going to let him at her or if he is confined, to whining and squeaking his needs to us. He's getting more and more stressed about it as the days go on, I'm sure he's checking his internal calendar and is freaking out because he knows somehow in that fuzzy brain of his that the girl won't be for the taking very much longer!
So with that in mind I would have beeen grateful to get him round the course without losing focus, and I am pleased to say he went clear in Masters Jumping for 3rd place in the 500 class, he went clear in Open Jumping, and I thought he'd gone clear on a really tough Masters Agility course when I looked up as I got his lead and saw a bar on the ground. He'd knocked it and I didn't even notice! That was a bugger as it was a very challenging course and he did very well on it. In Open Agility he knocked the last bar jump - a spread. Roll on jumping workshop!!
Today we took Rave and Cy down the park and took some flat out sprinting shots of them with the view to getting a good one of each made up into a sticker. These are what I have so far to choose from but I'm not sure if I will try and get some more.

Look at that face! Fangs hanging out, flews flying....
there's definitely a roadrunner somewhere.

The Cypher sprint...
there's a frisbee up ahead.

1 comment:

manymuddypaws said...

fabulous pictures!!! Your dogs are beautiful! (even Cypher, who I know, is a boy....)